Tuesday 27 May 2014

Doing What You Love

Create Employment and make Profits to Build Your Empire.
    SUMMER 2014 (3)                                               
Welcome to D.E.B. magazine, your essential guide to emerging business opportunities in Africa, for Africans in Diaspora. You will be informed about African Diaspora (returnees) who dare to win in Africa and how they triumph despite all the challenges they faced. You too can do it.                                                                                                                             Success is not by accident
              Doing what you love
Do you feel fearful to fail?  - Many of us put our dreams on hold to take care of the "more important" matters of earning a living. Many got comfortable in the postponement fantasy of "retirement." Someday, in utopia, over the rainbow, we'd be able to do what we'd really want. We'd grind our teeth on Mondays meanwhile, or sleepwalk through the week and collect our payslips.
 I think the Universe is now saying, Now or Never.
 You didn't come here to planet Earth to wait for your chance. This is your chance. You have more love, genius, and invincibility inside you than you realize. Do what you love now. Tap your secret advantages.
 Doing what you love isn't just fun. It's crucial.

If you are going to start a business I can assure you'll get better odds to succeed if you're doing something you love. Why? Because passion is the fuel that you'll need to face all the obstacles you'll find.
Think about this
*She sold her house to start a business  * On her first order of raw materials- she lost more than £ 2000     * With the last money remaining, she used it to travel to another continent to source suppliers *Within  9 months of production and set backs she sold more than 40,000 of her products at the rate of 50p each. * Now after one year her products are on 2 big supermarkets shelves, despite refusing her when she approach them at the beginning of her business.
How did she survive these stumbling blocks ? Is she a super woman? I will let you know in my CD how she went about  it to survive these obstacles.                                                 
For you to survive in Africa you must have what she applied (displayed).
You have initiative that once illuminated would create an empire fairer than any ever raised in marble.
Project of the month
Start Peeled Beans Processing business in Africa and make millions every month.                        
Training coming in Summer 2014. Limited space available. Act now
