Monday 16 May 2011


YOU ARE THE OWNER OF YOUR BUSINESS, YOU MUST BE THERE IN PERSON OR ELSE THE BUSINESS WILL DIE A PREMATURE DEATH- Warning to any serious diaspora, who has intension of have a successful business in Africa

There is a perception gap about doing business on the continent, says Dirk Hoke, CEO of Siemens’ Industry Solutions Division.
According to Hoke, who was previously in charge of the company’s African operations, the image of the continent portrayed by the media is often very gloomy. “When I first got this job, friends and business colleagues thought it was not a promotion, it was a punishment,” Hoke wrote in an article published in Ernst & Young’s 2011 Africa attractiveness survey.”

“People were so worried about the Soccer World Cup in South Africa, but when they saw it was peaceful and well organised, the only thing they could complain about was the vuvuzela’s,” he added.
He said that there are various risks involved in doing business in Africa, and that it is essential to have a strong presence on the continent itself in order to identify potential hazards. “The risks are . . . high; they are manageable, but this can’t be done from Switzerland or London.” source-howwemadeitinafrica

"We don’t export now. Export to the West African coast, yes, all along the West African coast, yes, but to say, America or to England, I’m not interested in it at all. If 40 percent of the 120 million people in Nigeria are children, I have the potential of a huge market here." (source-africaopenforbusiness)

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