Thursday 28 February 2013

Diaspora Don't Re-invent the wheel


       AFRICAN DIASPORA             We Thought This might Be Important To YOU

D      E      B

Romanian and Bulgarian Immigrants are coming to UK in their thousands!
PREPARE FOR THE UNEXPECTED-Change is scary for many people not to talk of diaspora(s) in UK. Change is especially daunting because it affects your financial security, prospects and status. In a competitive jobs market with thousands of people, workers needing to find work in any area that is available or become self employed, these fears need to be understood and overcome. Fear of the unknown leaves diaspora in a frozen status, afraid of entering and exploring the new ground, because they think they might get in trouble, afraid of losing what they already have by jumping into the unknown, they remain paralyzed. 
  Diaspora knew what they should be doing, but they can’t take action because they think there is a risk involved with this big life transition. Life is short. Diaspora, get out of your fears, do something and make a difference.                                                                             HOW PREPARED ARE YOU- Fear is nothing more than a mental obstacle. More than often, it curbs an individual’s ability to perform to the fullest in various walks of life. Diaspora -prepare yourself for opportunities so that you can take advantage of them when they come. Put yourself in a position that makes it easier for opportunities to come. While both of them are important, I think the first one is more important. Why? Because what makes the difference is whether or not you can take advantage of the opportunities. What’s the use of getting a lot of opportunities if you can’t take advantage of them?                    There are emerging opportunities waiting for diaspora(s) in Africa, but suffering in Europe will not bring the opportunities to you.                                                                                                                                             HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR FUTURE IN UK- Remember when the strength and energy will be gone, not able to do you 9am-7pm jobs again, by that time it will be too late because you will be dumped at old people’s home.                                                                                                                                                           DO YOU HAVE IDEAS, SKILLS, THAT YOU CAN USE IN AFRICA- Great preparation is the key to any success. Diaspora who knew the future that they want for themselves should lay out a plan to accomplish the steps and goals. By thinking things through, identifying what is needed to achieve, the goals and obtaining the skills and resources, diaspora can greatly improve their chances for success. Since few people are truly successful by doing nothing. 
Diaspora you’ve got what it takes to be successful in Africa.
               COMING SOON IN MARCH 2013  Hertfordshire London                                                                                                                                 1 How a frustrated Diaspora went back to Africa, and is making £700-£1000 a month
2 We are going to see how illegal immigrant took one small machine to Africa, and he is generating  £1200 a month.
New computer database launched to track down 150,000 illegal immigrants in Britain. Do something before it’s too late, plan your escape route to Africa.       
  Register NOW for one of the 25 available places,                                                You can also get my FREE 6-page Book or the Audio version**              

Register by sending your Name and e-mail address to

 On the day of the seminar you should have a pen and pad ready as I will show you exactly what you should be doing, how we can help you to make your dream/idea become reality and how we can personalise everything to your company quickly and easily!      I look forward to meeting you. 

Are you ready to play BIG In 2013 ?
Then it may be time for a NEW way to think about your business, your future and a new mentor to learn from!                                                                     There will be opportunity to join DEB Business Development group which will run for 5 months (2 - Saturday in a month)