Monday 3 October 2011


If you have followed me from the other blog, that means you really wants to take your destiny in your own hands; but others believe that someone from somewhere should lead them to their promised land. This type of people will be in wrong place all the time.
Let reason together on IT courses how you can turn it around to start a successful business in Africa.
Africa Literacy Facts from UNESCO

For everyone everywhere, literacy is...a basic human right. 
- Kofi Annan, Former UN Secretary-General
In Sub-Saharan Africa
·         More than 1 in 3 adults cannot read. [1]
·         176 million adults are unable to read and write.[1]
·         47 million youths (ages 15-24) are illiterate.[1]
·         21 million adolescents are not in school. [2]
·         32 million primary aged children are not in school either. [2]
  • In 1990 the adult literacy rate in all of Africa was 52%. In 2008 it was 63%. [4]
  • In 1990 there were over 177 million illiterates in all of Africa, but by 2008 there were over 200 million. [4] 

Literacy rates are improving globally, but in terms of raw numbers there are more illiterates than 20 years ago.  In sub-Saharan Africa  youth literacy rates (ages 15-24) have increased by 6% over the past 20 years, casting light on adult literacy projections.  However, youth literacy rates in Sub-Saharan Africa (72%) are the lowest of any region, as is enrollment in secondary school (34%).  For adults in sub-Saharan Africa the rates have improved by 9%, but there is a disparity between literacy for women and men.  While 7 in 10 men can read, only half of women can do so. [1]  The biggest barrier to increasing literacy is the lack of books, especially in rural areas.

Let start with 8 computers. 
Lease 3 bedroom flat or 3 bed bungalow as your training institute
1 generator
5 courses ( Microsoft Office) Words,Access,Excell,Publisher,Web design, SAGE

Do you know that you can live comfortably with this project, as soon as you get to Africa

YOU want to know how much you can generate monthly and per annum ?

Requeast for the project profile which is FREE