Thursday 1 September 2011


OPPORTUNITY- Fear leads to creativity of these young entrepreneurs
**Fear of unemployment after graduation
**fear brings out the best in them to the open
**Fear unite dormant talents and skills

**Start with little you have- these entrepreneur started with only $1900, despite that they are in Africa, where we think they are poor, this is to show Diaspora that you don't have to wait until you have $10,000 before you ca start a successful business in Africa.
**Start where you are- You have everything you need to be successful- the skills you have acquired in strange  land
You don't have to reinvent the wheel- COPY and IMPROVE on any venture you love to do.
Research-They saw that their is a gap in special lotion in the market.
 These entrepreneurs sampled few lotions that are already selling in the market and they saw opportunities that other big companies can not see,they improve and the capitalized on it and its BINGO, the rest is history.
From one lotion they are able to produced 3 different products out of the same products by just adding vegetable oils and aloe vera, What a brilliant idea that is generating money.
Challenges 1- Their first product didn't meet the standard regulation, they went back to their 'kitchen', seek advice from professionals on how to do it better- they seek knowledge, and they bounced back and they become force to be recon with in the cosmetics arena.
Despite their initial failure they did not GIVE UP- Diaspora never give up
Challenge 2Their competitors convinced suppliers and other retail outlets not to stock their products. These desperate entrepreneurs didn't let these obstacle be a stumbling blocks to their dream of achieving greatness. They quickly 'think out of the box', they forget about text book theories, they didn't play according to set rules of business management. They played the game as all other successful entrepreneurs always did it. 
They went to the people that deals with the grass root, where the purchasing power lies the consumers - the SALONS (Hair/ Beauty salons), and they hit the mark, as a snipper.
DIASPORA these are some of the CHALLENGES you must face when you go back to Africa
Who told you it's going to be EASY, do not be deceive, nothing good come easy, if you don't have challenges,you can never have experience or success because out of challenges comes opportunities and wealth creation.